Frequently asked questions
Authors from all over the world can publish their works with the help of Nature Light Publications. You may easily write, publish, and distribute your book in print with our help.
Your book is still entirely your own! We serve as a publishing label and a distribution channel to assist you reach the market. We operate under a non-exclusive publication arrangement, so none of your content belongs to us, and you are free to publish it elsewhere if you so choose.
“International Standard Book Number, or ISBN. To identify books, magazines, newspapers, and other publications, bookstores and libraries utilise this 13-digit identification number. For the paperback, hardbound, and eBook versions of your book, different ISBNs are given.”
A book’s production costs determine its retail price. You may determine the manufacturing cost of your book from discussions with us, which is based on the number of pages, book format, book size, and book type. With this, you can decide on the suggested retail price for your book and calculate the profits you’ll make from each sale.
To avoid running out of stock, the inventory is printed-on-demand (POD) based on sales velocity. To ensure that your book is printed and delivered to your buyer within the specified turnaround time, Nature Light Publications collaborates with its numerous print partners all around the world. This guarantees that readers may always acquire the most recent edition of your book from the Nature Light Publications Store or other eCommerce websites.
At Nature Light Publications we work hard to maintain the utmost satisfaction among all of our authors. All of your post-publication questions will be answered by our Author Support Team via email.
We strive to make publishing as simple as we can. Please get in touch with us by emailing us at if there is anything more you would like to know.
Our Goal
Our goal is to provide everyone access to the power of publishing.
We’re creating a new platform for readers and writers to interact both online and off, and we’re assisting authors in realising their aspirations with the freedom and flexibility they deserve.